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Screenshot 2017-02-22-16-18-00
arduino code

Required Components

1:Arduino uno , http://upsats.com/Content/Product/img/Product/Thumb/Arddd04.jpg 650 PK RS

2:Bluetooth Module HC-05 , http://upsats.com/Content/Product/img/Product/Thumb/B-HC05-s.jpg 600 PK RS

 3:Motor Driver L298 , http://upsats.com/Content/Product/img/Product/Thumb/L298DVR-D18.jpg 350 PK RS

4: Dc gear motors x4 , http://upsats.com/Content/Product/img/Product/Thumb/MTR-DO.jpg  200x 4 PK RS

5:7.2v Battery , http://upsats.com/Content/Product/img/Product/Thumb/B700V7.2CHG-G16(3).jpg 650 PK RS 6: Active Buzzer + LEDs + Toy Car.


* Connect the circuits and Module as shown in picture diagram

*Download and Extract RemoteXY folder  to C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries\

*Download Arduinocode and upload it to Arduino board

 *Install Remotexy app from Playstore

 * Lunch the Remotexy app and connect with Bluetooth module .